SF Missing 5

San Francisco is the fourth most populous city in California and the 17th most populous city in the United States…

Those stats come from 2022.  Basically… It’s a huge city. 

I’m a native of California, born and raised here and I am no stranger to the majestic city of San Francisco.

As a matter of fact… I know it all too well. 

Any large city comes with its share of urban legends. In San Francisco, you’ll hear urban legends like

The Golden Gate Park Ghost, The Chinatown Tunnels, and how people mysteriously disappear in the large city.

But missing people may not be an urban legend… The San Francisco Police Department’s missing persons unit

has over 900 cases of missing persons… Dating back to 1976. Most open cases involve male adults, a little over

30% are women and nearly 20% are juveniles. The city of San Francisco saw its highest level of disappearances in

the 2000s. This leads me to the topic of this episode. We are going to explore each individual within the California

missing 5. I will guide you through each young man’s last known whereabouts…. And then… I’ll leave it to you all to

help these men find their way home or justice for their families… Either way, we just can’t leave this Unexplained….

On May 15th, 2010, Jackson Alexander Miller left his family’s home in Cupertino, California. This is roughly a 46-mile drive. Around 4:10 pm, Jackson parked his 2004 Silver Honda Pilot in the parking lot at the Golden Gate Bridge. But this was the last time Jackson was seen.

In his car, he left behind his wallet, cell phone, and iPod. His keys were not located.

Jackson’s family described him as intelligent, very strong-willed but gentle. Throughout his teenage years, he excelled in sports, particularly swimming, track, soccer, and wrestling. Unfortunately, Jackson also struggled with anxiety and feeling insecure. At 19 years old, sometime before his disappearance, Jackson had stopped taking his prescription medication.  Soon he would begin suffering through sleepless nights, erratic behavior, and became increasingly paranoid.

The day he drove to the Golden Gate Bridge, cameras picked up his vehicle driving in, but they also showed Jackson walking to a nearby bus stop and that’s the last sighting of him…

A few days later, sightings were reported of a young man matching Jackson’s description. If it was him, he was still in San Francisco. After these sightings, it seemed Jackson was just gone…

Nearly 11 years went by… 

On Friday, March 26th, 2021 around 2:20 pm a male matching Jackson’s description was seen at a Target store in Woodland, California. Woodland is roughly, more than 90 miles away from San Francisco. 

He approached a woman in the parking lot identified himself as Jackson and stated he was a missing person. He also asked her for a cigarette and a ride to Sacramento. She did not give him a ride. 

On our website unexplainedrealms.com I will have the surveillance photo of this man. He was wearing black pajama pants with shamrocks on them and a green pullover sweater. 

After this sighting, an area business owner contacted authorities stating a man matching the same description had entered her store and was asking around for a ride to Los Angeles. When no one offered he left. 

There has been nothing more reported regarding Jackson. If you see Jackson or know anything about his whereabouts or disappearance, call Santa Clara County Sheriff’s Office Investigations Division at 408-808-4500.


On October 6th, 2011, 29-year-old Cameron Remmer was headed to San Francisco. He planned to start a medical marijuana company.

Cameron was the youngest of four siblings, single, had no children, and struggled with bipolar disorder for quite some time. He had been hospitalized in the past as the condition would cause him to hallucinate or become agitated and withdrawn. At the time of his disappearance, he was on medications to assist him with his condition, though the medication could include episodes of psychosis.

Cameron lived in a beach community called Leucadia. It was located in Encinitas, California. Encinitas is a 7-hour drive to San Francisco… Roughly 483 miles one way.

On October 1st, Cameron flew from Encinitas to San Francisco. He wanted to start his own medical marijuana company. He traveled alone and brought $30,000 cash and 60-70 packages of marijuana.

He reserved a room at the Fairmont Hotel and had checked in. On October 6th, Cameron is drinking at the hotel bar and is behaving erratically, the staff asks him to leave. He checks out of the hotel but does not take any of his belongings with him. He tells the hotel staff he will pick it up in a few days.  

On this night, he would call a friend in Arizona and ask him to pay for a hotel room to stay, but then suddenly changed his mind.

By October 7th, his family had not heard from him. This was unusual as Cameron typically called his family daily. The family begins to believe he may be having a psychotic break. 

On October 9th, Cameron picks up his belongings from the Fairmont Hotel. He would retrieve, luggage, cash, and marijuana from the front desk. During this exchange, the front desk staff would describe Cameron as incoherent and babbling… They also said he was wearing two different shoes. 

On October 11th, Cameron’s family reported him missing. His return flight was to leave on October 30th, but Cameron never boarded that flight and never made it home.

The Investigation Discovery Network’s series “Last Seen Alive” spotlighted Remmer’s case in an episode. The show’s producers hired private investigator Tom Klatt to further look into this case. During Klatt’s investigation, he found that Cameron had been in the Tenderloin area at a bar. He was with a woman he met in the city. This was 12 hours before his disappearance. 

Now… Before we go any further, in 2023, the Tenderloin area of San Francisco is considered one of the worst parts of the city.  In some ways, it’s always been associated with drug use and homelessness, but these days it’s much worse. 

Cameron was 5’10, approximately 170lbs with Blonde hair. If you know anything about Cameron’s whereabouts, please call the San Francisco Police Department at  415-553-1071.

23-year-old Shawn Dickerson moved from Ceres, California to San Francisco, California. This is approximately a 1 hour and 40 minute drive or around 94 miles one way. 

After high school graduation Shawn moved to San Francisco, he would rent a place or crash at the apartments of friends. In 2011 he moved into an apartment located on 22nd Street and Bartlett Street. He shared the apartment with 5 other roommates. One of the roommates was a close friend, Anjuli Droll. The two had dated for two years during high school.

He had a dream of moving to New York with this roommate. He was also a member of a local band and performed in the San Francisco area. Prior to his disappearance, he had been hired at a men’s clothing store called Rolo.

On December 1st, 2011, Shawn got up and went to work. He had a performance review that day with his boss and it was also pay day. His review went normal and he was given his paycheck, but he was unable to cash it as he did not have an ID. He asked his boss to accompany him to the bank to cash the check. They cashed the check and parted ways. Shawn would take his lunch at this time. It was 1:00 pm. 

Shawn never went back to work that day. His boss tried to contact him but didn’t receive a response from Shawn until 11:30 pm that night. Shawn apologized for not coming back to work. His boss informs him that he may have to terminate his employment if he cannot be reliable.

That night, Shawn does not arrive back at his apartment until 1 am. At 1:14 am, Shawn calls a neighbor and chats with them. He told the neighbor that he had lost his job at Rolo’s, but that had not happened.  

He then stays up chatting with his roommates until 4 am. This would now be December 2nd. At 11 am Shawn wakes up and realizes he is late for work. He begins rushing through the apartment getting dressed to head to work. He never made it to work and has never been seen again. 

On December 6th Shawn is reported missing.  His family begins to learn of some odd habits he has developed. For example, he would climb buildings to sleep on the rooftops. He had told his mom he wanted to see what it would be like. 

Once authorities begin investigating, they realize Shawn went on a walk instead of going to work that day. He took several pictures of the bay, a meal he had, and some of his feet, and posted at least 16 photos to his Facebook account. Before his disappearance, he had also changed his name to Klaus Agnes, this was the combination of two artists he liked. 

If you know Shawn’s whereabouts or have any information, please contact The San Francisco Police Department at 415-558-5508.

20-year-old Crishtian Hughes was working at Taco Bell after graduating from San Diego High School. He had made plans to visit a friend for a few nights in San Francisco, California. San Francisco is a 7-hour drive from San Diego and roughly 500 miles away.

Sometime before his disappearance, Crishtian’s father passed away, though his family described him as mentally stable with no history of running away. On the morning of Monday, February 4th, 2013, his mom Kim dropped him off at the San Diego International Airport. He planned to stay in San Francisco for three days and return home on Thursday, February 7th at 2:30 pm.

As soon as Crishtian’s plane touched down, he contacted his mother. On February 7th, Crishtian was to arrive home, but Kim became concerned that Crishtian had not contacted her and he had missed his flight. Kim’s sister Chelsea lives in the San Francisco area, she contacted her to see if she had heard from Crishtian. She had seen him on Tuesday, February 5th of that week, and had given him $70.00.

However, that wasn’t the last sighting of Crishtian he was seen on Wednesday, February 6th. He had lunch with a female friend and then was seen by friends at his friend’s place in the 900 block of Capitol Avenue in San Francisco around 12:30 am

Desperately trying to find the phone numbers of the friends he had been with led her to continue calling Crishtians phone, though it continuously went to voicemail. By February 8th with still no word from Crishtian, there is a knock at the door. It’s the San Diego police department. They had received a call from one of the friends Crishtian had stayed with. The caller was concerned and wondering if Crishtian had arrived home safely. The caller, Crishtian’s friend had stated that on the morning he was to leave, Crishtian woke up, packed all of his belongings, and left between the hours of 1 am and 10 am. 

This prompted confusion for all. The friends he stayed with would be his ride to the airport. When friends woke around 10 am, Crishtian had just vanished. 

Unable to get any information from the airlines, Kim turned to phone records and discovered her son’s last text message was sent on Wednesday at 1:18 am. After that text, there was no further activity on Crishtian’s phone. 

Crishtian has a scar running down his spine from top to bottom, stretched earlobes, and uses the nicknames Chris or Dageo. He has the words West Coast tattooed on his left arm and the word Loyalty tattooed on his right arm. A playing card tattooed on his wrist and praying hands tattooed on his chest over his heart. 

In April 2014, there was a potential sighting of Crishtian on Haight Street in San Francisco he was with a blonde woman. And had similar tattoos.

If have any information, please contact The San Francisco Police Department at 415-558-5508.

19-year-old Sean Sidi was last seen on May 21st, 2013. Several months before his disappearance he had suffered a traumatic brain injury. Sean remained in a coma for several days after the accident. After, he would require medication for his ongoing recovery. Sean occasionally struggles with short-term memory loss and becomes easily fatigued. 

On May 21st, 2013, Sean had told his mother, Lynn in a phone call that he would be going to pick up a tape from a former high school teacher. He visited the teacher around 11:40 am, he was seen leaving the school near 1:30 pm. Sean made a phone call to his dad, he told him, he planned to take the bus to the park. Unfortunately, Sean’s phone died about an hour and a half later. 

Sean only had his phone, his wallet with an ATM card, and his driver’s license inside. Since the disappearance, there has been no activity with his debit card.