Hoia Baciu

We’ve all heard of the Bermuda Triangle, ships and planes disappearing into a vast area of the ocean. Some believe the Romanian Forest, the Hoia Baciu, is similar to the Bermuda Triangle, though ships and planes don’t disappear, but your mind does…

The Hoia Baciu Forest is located in Cluj-Napoca, Romania and is often referred to as Romania’s Bermuda Triangle. This is largely due to numerous reports of intense paranormal activity, ghost sightings, UFOs, and even missing persons.

The forest was named after a shepherd who disappeared while herding a flock of 200 sheep. After the disappearance of the shepherd and the entire herd, the locals rarely entered the forest. 

Some locals believe that at one time, hundreds of Romanian peasants were murdered in the forest, leaving their souls to torment anyone in the forest. It is said that these souls emerge in the shape of green orbs that look like eyes or appear in the form of black fog. 

A popular missing person story from the forest surrounds a 5-year-old girl who had become separated from her parents and was lost in the forest. She wasn’t found for five years, but when she was discovered, she was wearing the same clothing she had on when she went missing and her clothes were in perfect condition. The strangest piece of this missing person story was that the child couldn’t remember what had happened in those five years she was missing. 

The forest gained its major notoriety in the 1960s when biologist Alexandru Sift photographed a flying disc-shaped object above the forest. This prompted him to walk through the wide forest taking photos of anything out of the ordinary. Ultimately resulting in nearly 60,000 photographs that had captured lights, silhouettes, and shapes floating between the trees. Later in 1968, Emil Barnea, a military technician, also photographed an object flying over the forest, it was shaped like a saucer. 

Alexandru Sift also believed there was a time travel portal somewhere in the woods.

 In current times, some have reported that the paranormal energy of the forest has created a poltergeist and tons of ghost activity. Many visitors of the forest feel that they are struck with nausea, anxiety, and headaches, upon entering the forest. 

Others report seeing floating heads and loud whispers. The majority of visitors all report a loss of time while exploring the forest. Unexplainably visitors report losing multiple hours and not remembering why. 

 The trees in this forest have been known to be twisted and bent into odd shapes and trunks at times are intertwined in a very odd way. During your time in the Hoia Baciu forest, it is silent within… no trees rustling, no birds singing, or sounds of animals. Many visitors report electronics malfunctioning upon entering the forest. 

Deeper inside the forest, there is a circular clearing amidst the forest that is said to be the most haunted. Some call it the Dead Zone. This circular area of the forest grows nothing. It is thought to be the center of all the paranormal activity. Though some believe it to be where UFO’s land. 

Visitors often report lights frequently coming from the circular area.

In 2002 two Cluj citizens filmed a UFO from the top floor of a building on the edge of Manastur district that borders the forest. The film was 27 seconds, and the object was shaped like a cigar, it moved about 50 meters. The object moved up and down until it went into a mass of clouds and then disappeared. 

Some believe the forest is a portal to other universes or realms. What do you think? Is the forest haunted or all just lore?!  Is this forest haunted or is it all Lore or should we leave this to the realms of the unexplained.