Georgia Guidestones

My favorite band is Radiohead.. My particular favorite song is Idioteque. It takes place in a bunker during what appears to be an apocalypse. The singer Thom Yorke, sings the lyrics, “Who’s in the bunker? Women and children first”.

In the current state of our world, this is a distinct possibility. But what happens if we survive an apocalypse? How do we re-create and rebuild?

In this episode, we will learn about the Georgia Guidestones which some believe to be a post-apocalyptic set of instructions.

Join me,  your host Ann, and producer and cohost Mr. Eddie Vee while we learn more about the Georgia Guidestones…

Elberton Granite Finishing Company, a huge provider of granite for memorials and other various architectural projects, was tasked with a large and unique project in June of 1979. A man by the name of Robert C. Christian approached the company asking them to build a structure that would function as a compass, a calendar, and a clock that would be able to weather any catastrophic events.


Joe Fendley from the Elberton Granite Finishing Company believed Robert C. Christian was insane and gave him an enormously overpriced quote, which was higher than most projects he bid on. He figured this would cause Christian to walk away. Though it did not discourage Christian, he happily accepted the quote.


It was believed that Robert C. Christian was a pseudonym as he explained during payment arrangements that he represented a large group that had designed and planned for the stones to be built for the last 20 years. The group planned to remain anonymous.


Elberton Granite Finishing Company agreed to the project and Christian produced a scale model along with pages of the specifications. These stones, which he titled, the ‘GuideStones’, would reside on five acres of land that Christian purchased on October 1st, 1979, from an area farmer named Wayne Mullinex. Christian gave Mullinex and his family lifetime rights to the property allowing their cattle to continue to graze around the guidestone site. The agreement with Elberton Granite Finishing Company included a contract that directed the company to destroy all information and plans regarding the monument upon completion of the project. 

The monument consists of one large standing piece of concrete in the center and four arranged around it. On top of all the stones was a capstone. The stones stand 19.3 feet tall. The four outer stones are 16.4 inches wide.  

On March 22, 1980, 100 to 400 individuals gathered to witness the unveiling of the stones. In time, ownership of the stones was transferred to the city.

The tablet in front of the stones reads, “Let these be Guidestones to an Age of Reason”. The tablet also contains info regarding the stones, such as the languages it contains, size, dimensions, astronomical features, date it was installed on the land, and talks about a capsule buried under the tablet.  The instructions for the capsule leave the date to be opened blank with no further explanation.

There are messages inscribed in the stones, 10 commandments if you will. Written in 8 current languages,( English, Spanish, Swahili, Hindi, Hebrew, Arabic, Chinese, and Russian) as well as four extinct languages, ancient Greek, Egyptian, and Hieroglyphs. 

The messages are as follows :

-Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.

-Guide reproduction wisely – improving fitness and diversity.

-Unite humanity with a living new language.

-Rule passion – faith – tradition – and all things with tempered reason.

-Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts.

-Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court.

-Avoid petty laws and useless officials.

-Balance personal rights with social duties.

-Prize truth – beauty – love – seeking harmony with the infinite.

-Be not a cancer on the earth – Leave room for nature – Leave room for nature

Aside from these inscriptions are some well-thought-out features built into the formation of stones. The stones have a built-in channel that can indicate the celestial pole, there is a horizontal slot to show the annual travel of the sun, and a sunbeam can shine through and mark noontime all year. The outer four stones are situated to mark the 18.6 Lunar Declination Cycle as well as a few other astrological features. The company had to bring an astronomer from the University of Georgia to assist with the complex astrological features. 

The stones were defaced in 2008, and polyurethane paint and graffiti covered the stones with messages, “Death to the new world order” This was the first time the stones had been defaced and vandalized.  In 2014, the FBI was contacted by Elbert County as the stones were vandalized and the phrase was graffitied on, “I am Isis, goddess of love”. Other than these incidents, the stones stand strong today. 

The Guidestones are a heavy-weighted topic for many conspiracists but have also gained the opinion of celebrities, magazines, and authors. 

Yoko Ono once described the messages on the stones as, “a stirring call to rational thinking”.

Wired Magazine felt the messages are, “Ten Commandments of the Antichrist”.

Activist, Mark Dice demanded at one time that the stones, “be smashed into a million pieces…”