Bohemian Grove

What do the following men have in common… Author Jack London, former presidents Richard Nixon ,Ronald Reagan, and Bill Clinton.  American investor and financial executive Charles Schwab, founding member of the Grateful Dead Robert Weir, and American broadcast journalist Walter Cronkite.  

If you don’t already know… They are all members of the Bohemian Club. 

The Bohemian Club is an all-male club. Members include former U.S. presidents, artists, musicians, prominent business leaders, government officials, senior media executives, and basically any male with power… And membership is not limited to only powerful men from the United States. It includes other country leaders… 

This is the story of Bohemian Grove. 

The Bohemian Club was founded in San Francisco, California in 1872. There are varying stories regarding its founding, but in my research, I found a list of founding members that I will include in the article on, it’s long, so for the sake of this podcast, the club was created by a group of artists, writers, journalists, and even a wine maker. Not all members were from the United States.

The club was elite and invitation-only, but since its founding the invitation list has expanded to include politicians, as well as powerful businessmen. Originally the group considered themselves Bohemians. The definition of Bohemian is a socially unconventional person, particularly involved in the arts.

They wanted a place to gather together so in their early days they rented a room on Sacramento Street in San Francisco. Eventually, they built a clubhouse on Post Street and Taylor. You can still find this bar, called The Owl Tree, it’s a six-story, red brick building and was considered the group’s city clubhouse. 

The red brick building contains dining rooms, meeting rooms, meeting rooms, a bar, a library, an art gallery, and a theater as well as guest rooms. 

One of the many co-founders of the Bohemian Club in San Francisco also became the president of the club and built the Nathanial Brittan Party House in San Carlos, California. This location would be used as a hunting lodge. 

By 1872, another of the founding members, Henry Edwards announced his departure from the club. Henry was a stage actor and planned to move to New York City, to expand his career. The group planned a farewell party on June 29th, 1878 in honor of Henry’s departure. Less than 100 Bohemian members gathered in Marin County, specifically, the Redwoods, today the location is known as the Samuel P. Taylor State Park. The gathering was decorated with Japanese lanterns and blankets resting on redwood needles for guests to sleep after drinking throughout the night. 

The group enjoyed the gathering so immensely that they chose to throw it again the following year and in time, the group chose to throw this party yearly. In 1893 the Bohemian club rented their current location on Bohemian avenue and in 1899 the group purchased the location from a logging operation. Over the next few decades the club continued to purchase the surrounding land in Monte Rio, California.

After the purchase of the land, the group began holding their annual summer retreat at this location, now called Bohemian Grove. As time went on the group  created a motto:
“Weaving Spiders Come Not Here” this line comes from Act 2, Scene 2 of Shakespeare’s play, “A Midsummer Night’s Dream.” It is said that the clubs motto means to leave your concerns, work or worries outside.

The group even went on to adopt a symbol. A 30-foot concrete hollow owl. It symbolized wisdom. The statue was designed by two-time president of the club Haig Patigian, he was also a sculptor.

There are membership tiers within this club. 

Regular Membership was invitation only and mostly wealthy or influential men. They would pay membership fees and dues and some would wait for 15 years to even be part of the group. The group limits itself to only 2700 members.

Professional members pay lesser fees as they are graphic artists, musicians or actors. They assist the club with activities at the San Francisco location and Bohemian Grove. Then there are Honorary members, they are elected by club members and pay no fees or dues. 

Among the honorary members were a few you may recognize… Joseph Coors, Sr., the grandson of brewer Adolph Coors and he was also the president of Coors Brewing Company. David Starr Jordan the founding president of Stanford University and American novelist and international celebrity Jack London. 

Each member would be associated with a location at the grove. There were 118 rustic sleeping and leisure locations scattered throughout the land. And an open dining area.

Every July members would spend two weeks at the Bohemian Grove. Drinking, partying, gaining political contacts, and of course creating friendships.

I know this seems pretty innocent at this point.. Though the two week stay began with a ritual. The ritual is called the Moloch ritual or the Cremation of Care. The group would burn an effigy of a human. It was made from sticks and placed inside the giant hollow owl, it symbolized a sacrifice. The burning of a human effigy signifies the members cares and responsibilities… When it’s burnt it removes the members worries and cares of the outside world.

Yes, I said Moloch Ritual… If you know what that is, you know where we are going with this… If you don’t, then let me explain. Moloch is a word that appeared in the Hebrew Bible many times, within the Book of Leviticus. The bible condemns any association with Moloch has the rituals and practices point towards child sacrifice. 

Moloch is described as a creature with outstretched wings or hands over a fire. Very much like the owl the Bohemian Club is worshipping.

During the ritual members  wear robes with hoods they kind of look like KKK robes but a reddish color.  And the giant owl… It speaks. 

It’s the pre-recorded voice of news caster, Walter Cronkite. 

In the year 2000, Alex Jones, an American radio show host and prominent conspiracy theorist snuck into the Bohemian Grove and was able to record some of the ritual and was very convinced the group was not burning an effigy, but rather an actual human child. 

The club itself has been visited by supreme court justice Clarence Thomas, and a billionaire donor, Harlan Crow, a real estate investor. The various campsites have names, such as ‘Hillbillies’, which has been visited by President George Bush Sr., Nasa Astronaut, Frank Borman, and Walter Cronkite. 

In 1968, it was rumored that Richard Nixon launched his presidential campaign while at the Grove and Robert Oppenhiemer began discussions about the Manhattan Project. And other rumors state that the creation of the atom bomb ocurred at Bohemian Grove. 

Bohemian Grove and the club becomes a conspiracy theorists favorite target. Not just because of the strange rituals and celebrity members, but because there have been at times international members, such as Russian physicist, Roald Sagdeev, he was a member of the Soviet Supreme Council of People’s Deputies. The prime minister of France Michel Rocard would often visit, but he would visit in secret… He didn’t want anyone to know he was listening to Soviet speakers.

In more recent times, Bohemian Grove isn’t spoken of often… In 2011, The History Channel show, Decoded sent a team to the Norther California redwoods to possibly infiltrate the Bohemian Grove… Though upon their arrival they were promptly asked to leave by private security. Local Sheriff approached the area as well. Their second attempt to enter the grove led to the arrests of two members of the team.

Today, in the year 2024, the club has global leaders, artists, musicians, businessmen, and many more VIPs  as members. Conspiracy theories swirl around this group constantly, including occult worship, human sacrifices and even initiation of world leaders into a global elite. The Bohemian club states the their ceremonies are purely theatrical. 

Perhaps, there is nothing sinister here, maybe it’s a simple summer camp for grown men?

Within the year of 2024, Ryan Garcia a 25 year old boxer who is ranked as the world’s fourth best lightweight boxer, began making claims against the members of the Bohemian Club.  Ryan Garcia is set to fight Devin Haney on April 20th, 2024. You would think he would be talking only about this upcoming match, but Ryan is discussing much more sinister things with the media… Particularly Bohemian Grove. 

Ryan Garcia claims that he was kidnapped by the members of the Bohemian Club. He also states he was forced to watch underage porn while being tied up. Ryan claims he was not on drugs or using any alcohol and it’s all true.

In March of 2024, Garcia posted vague posts on his social media regarding the alleged incident. 

In one post he wrote. It just keeps rolling in y’all don’t have to believe they took me here but I don’t have to prove anything to you. You aren’t the one that their whole family been threatened.

It is unknown if Ryan Garcia was actually kidnapped and taken to Bohemian Grove. Though in a Joe Rogan interview, Kid Rock claims to have visited Bohemian Grove…

We may never know the truth about Bohemian Grove, but what we do know is it’s one of the most secretive clubs in the world… Do world leaders make major decisions in this private setting? Maybe someday we will know, but for now, I suppose we leave this to the realms of the Unexplained…